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Poker Polka

Call Us: +44(0) 7807244584
* Live Foal Guarentee - LFG
Stud terms for Live Foal Guarantee. [LFG]
The LFG is for a 24 hour foal that is standing and nursing. Conditions for this guarantee are as follows:
• The mare has been Inseminated by a qualified vet or AI technician approved by DEFRA.
• The mare has been pregnancy scanned by a qualified vet before 20 days post AI and again at approx 30 and 60 days.
• The mare has been fully vaccinated for flu & tetanus; she must also have had a full course of Herpes vaccinations. [5,7 and 9 months]
• Where the foal has been alive, a vet must have seen the foal within 12 hours of birth.
• All relevant paperwork will be required from your veterinary surgeon on headed Practice paper.
• The mare has been on a regular worming programme.
• The mare has not been exposed to other horses with known infections.
• If your mare does not become pregnant in this breeding season, the guarantee carries for one year, providing the mare is not attempted to breed with from another stallion.
• If the mare is competed during pregnancy the LFG becomes invalid.
• If the mare is breeding for ET, please speak to us regarding terms.
• The guarantee applies to the stud fee only. It does not cover any veterinary, livery or postage fees.
• In the event that the chosen stallion is no longer available for whatever reason, you may choose another stallion of ours at stud. If at a more expensive stud fee, the difference is payable.
• Any relevant paperwork needed from vet will be required and checked.
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